Air Force sheild Sustainability Toolkit
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Site Planning


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  Site Planning :: Site Layout :: Night Lighting
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Night Lighting
The nighttime sky can be dramatic. Light intrusion and overlighting glare can obscure what little night sight is available to humans. Care is required to limit night lighting to the minimum necessary for safety. Low voltage lighting with photovoltaic collectors should be considered as an energy-efficient alternative. Light fixtures should remain close to the ground, avoiding glare from eye level fixtures.

Light pollution reduction can also be achieved through reduced dependence on high-wattage electrical lighting at night by using solar lighting and light-colored or reflective edges along driveways and walks and by designing night lighting to prevent direct-beam illumination from leaving the building site. As an additional benefit, these measures preserve nighttime habitats for nocturnal species.

The minimal lighting requirements of operational environments may take precedence over this sustainable design goal for certain developed areas of the base.